The Library does not charge daily overdue fines, but does charge replacement fees (see below for info) for lost or damaged items. You can check your library account online to see the status of any items you have checked out and any associated fees. We may be able to extend your due dates or work with you to minimize replacement charges. All library bills can be paid at Cashiers on the 2nd floor of Deputy Hall (Room 202) once they are posted to your account.

Once charges amount to $25 or more, your library account will be blocked. Registration, graduation and other University privileges could be affected if items are not returned or bills are unpaid. After your bill has been sent to a third-party collection agency by the BSU Business Office, we cannot drop the charges or accept items back.

How and Where do I Pay

Library charges can be paid with cash, check or credit card at Cashiers on the 2nd floor of Deputy Hall (Room 202). Community Members may pay library fees at the Circulation Desk with cash or check.

What is the Process for Lost or Damaged Items

For most materials, items checked out to you are declared “Lost” 30 days after the due date has passed. This will result in your borrowing privileges being suspended, until you either:

  1. Return the item(s) to the library, or
  2. Pay the replacement fee for the item(s)

Prompt return of all Lost item(s) will result in charges being immediately cleared from your account, and your borrowing privileges being reinstated.

For Lost items, patrons will be charged a replacement fee. Charges for common items:

  • Book – $80
  • Popular Reading Book – $50
  • Course Reserves – $100
  • Media (DVDs/CDs/VHS tape) – $200
  • Bound Periodical – $300

Note: We will accept replacement copies of lost or damaged items. If you plan on purchasing a replacement copy, please call the Circulation Desk at (218) 755-3345, or email

How can I Avoid Having my Library Privileges Suspended

Prompt return of items on the date they are due is the best way to avoid having your borrowing privileges suspended. We also send courtesy, overdue and billing notices to your campus email account to help remind you when materials are coming due or are overdue.

When Will I be Billed

You will be notified that your materials are late at 1, 14 and 30 days overdue. You can contact the Circulation Desk at any time during this period and request a renewal, or you can request a renewal through your OneSearch account. Once materials are 30 days overdue, you will be billed for the items and your library privileges will be suspended. A bill will be sent to the Cashiers Office and your library account will be blocked until you pay the replacement costs at Cashiers, or return the material to the Library.

What if I Find an Item After I’ve paid for it

If you find the item within 90 days of payment, you are eligible for a refund of the replacement cost.


Call the Circulation Desk at (218) 755-3345, or email